Well as said before, we are 4 students working on this Robotic project and things have been much more clear than the imaginary robot I was talking about last time. Now we know what kind of micro controller are we going to use, although still we have troubles setting it up(Vegard). We have designed the basic circuit for controlling the robots movement as well, but not tested yet(Kjetil). Also we are working on the body. My friend Magnus is designing the belt and the wheels ! Yep it’s gonno drive around with the help of 2 belts and 8 wheels. My responsibility is to design the chassis up to now. Here is a very basic version of it that I am just playing around to learn more how to work with Solidworks. When we are finished we are going to print this out with the help of a 3D printer that the robotic group has(in a quite nice resistible plastic material). Image processing part has not even started yet !!!
Haha, before I forget, Vegard wants to name robot, Superman
Dunno if she is gonno be named that, but that’s what he is saying around 

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